Sunday, January 8, 2012

Little Pies, Little Quiches!

So I am now going to delve into the world of mini pie making! For Christmas I received a little mini pie maker, this is just about a dream come true for a single person wanting to indulge in the decadence of pies but who doesn't want to eat a whole pie and usually, other then the more then grateful dogs around, has no one else to share it with.

I began my mini pie journey this morning making a quartet of perfect little quiches, they are filled with homemade maple sausage, sharp cheddar, green onions, and of course the traditional "quiche" filling, scrambled eggs with some milk. It was a fun little project and I rediscovered the joys of rolling out pie crusts again and the importance of that little bit of flour so things don't get too sticky. I'm not sure what my next pie creation will be, I have some nice looking green apples begging to be changed into something fancier then their off the tree unadorned natural state. My journey into mini pie land is just beginning. I think I might have to devote an entire chapter to this topic! Bon Appetit!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Good Morning!  So last night I got a huge dose of inspiration!  I'm so excited to have this new driving force.
I will be posting more pics and more of my ideas daily.  Thank you for reading!  Bon Appetit!